New Deal

85 ft

Probably so-named because it is the next-closest thing to the Pinta at the same depth. So if that wreck turns out to be occupied by another boat, you get a "New Deal". Seldom visited, so should be good for fish and lobsters. A large and relatively intact barge filled with stones. Known by many other names, depending on who you ask.

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A Glittering Piece of History is Recovered From the Briny Deep

disco ball

July 25, 2004


Deep Sea Defectives is proud to announce the recovery of the Andrea Doria's disco ball. World-famous deep-sea scuba diver John Chatterbox found the ball after mining hidden nuggets from blueprints and records of the vessel to determine its most likely location. He then did a hazardous penetration deep into the bowels of the wreck, which is lying on its side in crazy deep lotta water.

Right: Chatterbox "gets down" with some hot wreck-diving moves

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