
Bananas are great !!!
Fun Fact #1: Bananas grow on trees !!!
Fun Fact #2: Bananas come from the Republic of South America !!!
Did You Know? Botanically, the banana is a berry !!!
Bring some for the whole boat !!!
Don't forget the Captain !!!
They're better than beets !!!
Oh No !!! A deadly Banana Beet Spider !!! Abandon ship !!!

Beet Spiders are easily identified because they only have seven legs. After millions of dollars worth of government-funded research, scientists have determined that the Beet Spider is so mean that sooner or later it bites one of its own legs off. Some have only six legs, or even five. You really want to stay away from those.

Never bring beets on a boat !!!

Bananas - God's Perfect Packaging


In a coastal area like New Jersey, the dominant winds are created by differential warming of the land and sea by the sun. Air warms over the hotter land and rises, and cool air from over the sea sweeps in underneath to replace it. These on-shore winds build over the course of the day, and so the waves they induce also build over the course of the day, then die down overnight.

I have found that the best diving conditions in New Jersey are either early morning or night. This is when the daily cycle of wave heights is at its lowest. Fortunately, the time restrictions on the inlets and beaches usually coincide with this.

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