The Silent World

I love the part where they dynamite the coral reef to get the boat through. For science! They also run over a baby whale, and kill the poor thing. At least they didn't fondue it. I have so say though, science was manlier in those days, and scientists weren't afraid to wear short-shorts.

What a blast from the past! I remember when I was a kid, the whole family would watch Cousteau's semi-annual specials on TV. Back then, they only showed things once, and if you missed it, you missed it! Not like today, kids will probably never understand how a TV show could be special. And I don't remember them killing any whales, honestly it was a little shocking to re-watch it now, after all the years.

Calypso in 1980
Calypso was BYMS-26, a Royal Navy minesweeper built in Oregon, 1942

Atlantic Torpedo

Torpedo nobiliana

Size: to 6 ft long, 200 lbs., and 220 volts

Habitat: Soft sandy bottoms, from water's edge to 350 ft. Uncommon.

Potentially dangerous

Distinguishing characteristics: Round body with a short tail and no stingers. This fish can produce enough electricity to stun a swimmer, but it is usually unaggressive. They are uncommon but deserve mention for the surprise they pack. I have seen unaware divers ( including a PADI "Underwater Naturalist" instructor ) get zapped in the tropics by the smaller ( 40 volts ) electric rays there.

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