Port Jefferson Artificial Reef
Depth: 88 to 94 feet
1.79 nautical miles northeast of Port Jefferson Inlet
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Port Jefferson Artificial Reef
Depth: 88 to 94 feet
1.79 nautical miles northeast of Port Jefferson Inlet
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This spot is upstream on the Manasquan River. The diving area is rather small and not very deep. Visibility tends to be poor, and this is worsened whenever an O/W training class is in session, which is often. Also, the current under the bridge becomes very strong, so slack water is essential. For a long time, a dredge barge has been anchored in the channel, but otherwise, there is no boat traffic.
More: Manasquan River Railroad Bridge ...
Nearby are the remains of several other barges.
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This bay is muddy and turbid, although some folks dive the several small wrecks around the inside of Sandy Hook. Bottle hunting around the old piers and pilings in Keyport harbor is also a possibility, but most of the structures along the bay shore are too small and shallow to be of interest. I have scouted the shoreline from Atlantic Highlands to Laurence Harbor, and nothing looks too promising. See also entries on Navesink River and Horseshoe Cove.
More: Raritan Bay ...