Manasquan Dive Sites Chart

AlexMac           Duncan            Roys              Joan LaRie        Glory             Barge 10          Mahogany          Ridge             Leon Walter       Capt Smitty       Marion            NE Sailor         Logwood           Adele             Middle Barge      Olsen             Park City         Rump              Coffee (SW Mohawk) Bonanza           Anastasia         Seaside Crane     Irene             Francis Perkins   Spring Lake Sailor Edhard Winslow    Catherine Jackson Blue Boy          New Jersey        Shark River       German            A Street          Meta              Across            Hankins           Lillian           Klondike Rocks    Gypsy             Goulandris        Balaena           Benson            Drydock           Larsen            Ayuruoca          Vega              Ranger            Pocopson          Pinta             Arundo            Beth Dee Bob      Mud Hole          Stolt Dagali      Cadet             Brunette          Delaware          Manasquan Wreck   Sea Girt Wreck    120 Wreck         Mohawk            Riggy Barge       Hankins           Ida K             Lana Carol        Emerald           Tolten            Maurice Tracy     Gulf Trade        Seaside Pipeline  Thurmond          John Minturn      Bluffs            Lizzie Brayton    Western World     Antioch           Railroad Bridge   Manasquan Inlet   Pliny             Allenhurst Jetty  New Era           L Street          Shark River       Rjukan            Malta             Sandy Hook Chart  Deep Sea Chart    Barnegat Chart    New Deal          LI West Chart     Lavallette Wreck  NJ Coast Chart    Gassoon           Charlemagne Tower Plymouth          Vivian            Hankins           clam boat         Axel Carlson Reef Sea Girt Reef     Shark River Reef  NJ Reefs          Manasquan Reef    dumps             dumps             Granite Wreck

Manasquan Dive Sites

NOAA chart 12326
Chart 12326
NOAA chart 12323
Chart 12323

shipwreck, trawler
80 ft

A very broken-up steel fishing vessel; another victim of bottom draggers and sea conditions. If you can find all of her small pieces while diving here, one or two divers might do very well catching lobsters.

shipwreck, barge
120 ft

This wreck got its name from the first few divers to get there, who struck it rich in lobsters in its wooden ribs and decking. The wreckage is very well spread out in several lines or walls, with decking off to one side. Near the bow, an overturned piece of decking is home to ling and blackfish. Off to the side lie the winch and small bits of machinery.

Klondike Rocks
The low, shelf-like structure of the rocks, which seldom rise
more than two feet above the bottom. Cunners

These low outcroppings appear in small to large patches over a two-mile area called the Klondike, and elsewhere, at depths ranging from 60 to 90 feet. The overhangs, crags, and holes afforded by the piles of rocks and boulders provide excellent homes for fish and lobsters. Visibility can be great here at times, but it is usually 10-20 ft, with a silty bottom in most places. The larger areas extend for many hundreds of feet, and an incautious diver can easily get lost. The stone itself is a type of sandstone known as Greensand, which occurs along the northern part of the New Jersey coast, and parts of Long Island, most famously as the Shrewsbury Rocks.

shipwreck, barges ( 2 )
Saturday May 26, 1934
foundered in storm - 2 casualties
70 ft

shipwreck, freighter, Chile ( originally Denmark )
Tolten is a city on the central coast of Chile.
1938, Denmark, as Lotta
( 280 x 43 ft ) 1858 gross tons, 28 crew
Friday March 13, 1942
torpedoed by U-404 - 27 casualties
95 ft

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