A very broken-up steel fishing vessel; another victim of bottom draggers and sea conditions. If you can find all of her small pieces while diving here, one or two divers might do very well catching lobsters.
This wreck got its name from the first few divers to get there, who struck it rich in lobsters in its wooden ribs and decking. The wreckage is very well spread out in several lines or walls, with decking off to one side. Near the bow, an overturned piece of decking is home to ling and blackfish. Off to the side lie the winch and small bits of machinery.
These low outcroppings appear in small to large patches over a two-mile area called the Klondike, and elsewhere, at depths ranging from 60 to 90 feet. The overhangs, crags, and holes afforded by the piles of rocks and boulders provide excellent homes for fish and lobsters. Visibility can be great here at times, but it is usually 10-20 ft, with a silty bottom in most places. The larger areas extend for many hundreds of feet, and an incautious diver can easily get lost. The stone itself is a type of sandstone known as Greensand, which occurs along the northern part of the New Jersey coast, and parts of Long Island, most famously as the Shrewsbury Rocks.