Manasquan Dive Sites Chart

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

AlexMac           Duncan            Roys              Joan LaRie        Glory             Barge 10          Mahogany          Ridge             Leon Walter       Capt Smitty       Marion            NE Sailor         Logwood           Adele             Middle Barge      Olsen             Park City         Rump              Coffee (SW Mohawk) Bonanza           Anastasia         Seaside Crane     Irene             Francis Perkins   Spring Lake Sailor Edhard Winslow    Catherine Jackson Blue Boy          New Jersey        Shark River       German            A Street          Meta              Across            Hankins           Lillian           Klondike Rocks    Gypsy             Goulandris        Balaena           Benson            Drydock           Larsen            Ayuruoca          Vega              Ranger            Pocopson          Pinta             Arundo            Beth Dee Bob      Mud Hole          Stolt Dagali      Cadet             Brunette          Delaware          Manasquan Wreck   Sea Girt Wreck    120 Wreck         Mohawk            Riggy Barge       Hankins           Ida K             Lana Carol        Emerald           Tolten            Maurice Tracy     Gulf Trade        Seaside Pipeline  Thurmond          John Minturn      Bluffs            Lizzie Brayton    Western World     Antioch           Railroad Bridge   Manasquan Inlet   Pliny             Allenhurst Jetty  New Era           L Street          Shark River       Rjukan            Malta             Sandy Hook Chart  Deep Sea Chart    Barnegat Chart    New Deal          LI West Chart     Lavallette Wreck  NJ Coast Chart    Gassoon           Charlemagne Tower Plymouth          Vivian            Hankins           clam boat         Axel Carlson Reef Sea Girt Reef     Shark River Reef  NJ Reefs          Manasquan Reef    dumps             dumps             Granite Wreck

Manasquan Dive Sites

NOAA chart 12326
Chart 12326
NOAA chart 12323
Chart 12323

shipwreck, probably a barge
120 ft

A sailing ship or small steamship in 120 feet of water. Sandy bottom, but given to silty conditions. Like the Deep Dry Dock, she has been dragged apart, mowed down, and pulled apart. She has some nice bronze parts strewn about.

Shipwreck Rump
A spike protrudes from wooden decking
shipwreck, schooner barge
approximately 150 ft
80 ft

Shipwreck SS Delaware
shipwreck, steamer, USA, Clyde Lines ( see Mohawk )
1880, Philadelphia PA USA
( 250 x 37 ft ) 1646 gross tons, 66 passengers & crew
Saturday July 9, 1898
fire below decks, burned to waterline - no casualties
75 ft

Shipwreck Antioch
Note the life-saving breeches-buoy at right
shipwreck, sailing ship, USA
( 180 ft ) 986 tons, 10 crew
Friday March 27, 1914
ran aground - no casualties
20 ft

Probably sanded-in by beach restoration work

Kathy & Maria Barges reef
artificial reef, barge, canal ( cut in two )
( 32 x 13 ft each piece )
Ocean City Marlin & Tuna Club, Cape May County Party & Charter Boat Association
Wednesday/Thursday June 22/23, 1997 - Ocean City Artificial Reef
Kathy: 39°10.719' -74°33.259'
Maria: 39°10.814' -74°33.044'

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