Cape May Dive Sites Chart

Cape May

Cape May Dive Sites

NOAA chart 12323
Chart 12323
NOAA chart 12318
Chart 12318
NOAA chart 12214
Chart 12214

Garden State South Artificial Reef

5.1 Nautical Miles off Spray Beach
Depth: 55-65 ft

DelJerseyLand Inshore Artificial Reef

Depth: 120-140 ft

shipwreck, schooner ???
30 ft

The "China Junk Wreck" by Townsend inlet rises up to 15 ft. What you can see is a couple of boilers and a debris field. To dive it you must hit the tide just right. On a good day, you can see 15-20 ft. A good tog spearfishing site.

Shipwreck Brian C
shipwreck, tugboat, USA
1948, New Orleans LA USA, as John Cushman
( 86 x 21 ft ) 136 gross tons, 4 crew
Tuesday November 13, 1979
foundered in storm - no casualties
150 ft

Sandbar Shark
Sandbar Shark
New Jersey State Aquarium - Camden

Volunteer divers at the aquarium assist with food preparation, cleaning and maintaining work area and exhibits, perform dive demonstrations, and assist aquarists when necessary. Volunteer must be a certified diver age 18 years and older with at least 25 logged dives; 5 in the last 2 years and 2 in the last 12 months. Volunteer must be able to commit to 2 eight-hour work shifts per month ( same day every other week. ) Volunteer applications are available at the information desk.

Wildwood Artificial Reef

4.5 Nautical Miles off Wildwood
Depth: 40-65 ft

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