Purple Sea Urchin

Purple Sea Urchin

Arbacia punctulata

Size: to 3"

Sea Urchins may be found on any solid structure, from tidal rocks to deep wrecks, although in our region they are more common in shallow estuarine waters than offshore.

This animal is related to the starfish, and shares many of its traits, with one exception. Starfish are predators, feeding upon clams and mussels, while these sea urchins are strict vegetarians. I once ordered Sea Urchin at a sushi bar, but I never even tasted it, it smelled so bad. Nonetheless, it is a delicacy in much of the far east. Unlike tropical black urchins, our northern ones are not poisonous, and the spines are not even particularly sharp.

Sea urchin anatomy
Sea urchin anatomy
Purple Sea Urchin
Purple Sea Urchin obverse
The underside, showing mouth, tube feet among the spines, and 5-way symmetry
Herb Segars Photography

The heavyweight cold-water wetsuit is probably responsible for the premature demise of more nascent diving careers than any other factor. These awful things are simply uncomfortable and ineffective. For all the stiffness, squeezing, bulk, and extra weight of 5-7mm wetsuit, in the end, it really doesn't keep you warm, and most cold-water wetsuit divers are pretty miserable creatures. I have seen the constriction and topside overheating of one of these things make its poor wearer sick on dry land, never mind on a boat out at sea.


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Or just download it.

The argument that heavy cold-water wetsuits are easier to use is patently false. A wetsuit has a mind of its own and will make wide depth-dependant swings in buoyancy over which the wearer has no control. How is that better than a drysuit, which the user can consciously trim for constant buoyancy during the descent, and which semi-automatically trims itself during ascent?

Printed from njscuba.net