New York Dive Sites

New York Dive Sites Charts

New York Dive Sites
0.1 NM
0.2 NM

The dive site is between 8th and 9th Streets.
Atlantic Beach bridge at right, inlet and ocean to the left (west)
In Queens borough, New York City!

East Rockaway Inlet is also known as Deb's Inlet, while New Yorkers optimistically, or perhaps ironically, call the Beach 8th Street dive site Almost Paradise. (Actually the name of a long-defunct dive shop there.) It is also referred to as Beach 9th Street. If that's not enough names for the same place, the waterway is officially called Reynold's Channel. So I suppose you could make six different entries in your logbook.

Beach 8th Street is the only part of the inlet that is accessible to divers, the rest is either private property or state park land where diving is prohibited. You can zoom, pan, and maximize the map above. The inlet is off to the left, marshland to the right, and Kennedy Airport above.

Shipwreck Macedonia
I found this old painting labeled "Macedonia" and "1894". This certainly could be the same ship. Another Macedonia enters the records in 1900, just a year after this one was lost.
shipwreck, steamer, Germany
( at time of loss chartered to Ward Lines, see Mohawk )
Macedonia is a region in the southern Balkans, adjoining Greece, and formerly part of Yugoslavia.
1894, England
( 280 x 41 ft ) 2268 gross tons, 19 passengers & crew
Tuesday June 13, 1899
collision with liner Hamilton ( 3127 tons) - 1 casualty
40°21.418' -73°56.153' (AWOIS 1991)
60 ft

Depth: 70 - 75 ft
2.4 nautical miles south of Moriches Inlet

Shipwreck Roda
shipwreck, freighter, England
1897, England
( 315 x 44 ft ) 2516 gross tons
Thursday February 3, 1908
ran aground in heavy fog - no casualties
20 ft

debris field, bow, stern, boiler

105 ft

upside-down steel hull

shipwreck, barge, mini submarine (?)
25 ft

The visibility on this site varies. Average is 10-12ft. This site offers two wrecks which lie in 25 fsw. A British WWI two-man reconnaissance submarine and an old wooden barge. They are both within swimming distance from each other. The marine life is fair around these wrecks. There are a few car tires between the two wrecks and you may find an occasional lobster hiding inside them.

To locate the barge take a compass heading of 330 degrees from the pilings located on the east side of Greenwich Ave. It takes about 50 kick cycles to reach the wreck. To get to the submarine take a compass heading of 30 degrees from the same pilings. This can be reached in about 30 kick cycles. Both of the wrecks are not intact but make for a good dive.

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