- Type:
- shipwreck, schooner barge
- Specs:
- 1208 tons
- Sunk:
- Friday June 30, 1933
- GPS:
- 40°25.505' -73°54.071' (AWOIS 1990)
- Depth:
- 80 ft
Nearby are the remains of several other barges.
More: Ramos ...
Nearby are the remains of several other barges.
More: Ramos ...
This bay is muddy and turbid, although some folks dive the several small wrecks around the inside of Sandy Hook. Bottle hunting around the old piers and pilings in Keyport harbor is also a possibility, but most of the structures along the bay shore are too small and shallow to be of interest. I have scouted the shoreline from Atlantic Highlands to Laurence Harbor, and nothing looks too promising. See also entries on Navesink River and Horseshoe Cove.
More: Raritan Bay ...
More: Relief Lightship WAL-505 ...
More: Remedios Pascual ...
This is the remains of an unidentified vessel which we located in August of 1986. She appears to be an old paddlewheel steamship, but this is only speculation and has yet to be confirmed. The only artifact I've found on this little wreck was a perfume bottle with the name "Rickseckers Perfume" on it, hence the name, Rickseckers.
More: Rickseckers ...