Cape May Artificial Reef

8.5 Nautical Miles off Cape May
Depth: 50-75 ft
Point Swift    Onondaga       Lisa Michelle  Rothenbach I   Red Oak        Miss Beth      Becky Lee      Wyoming        Heritage       Sea Transporter Cecilia Brown  Kings Point    Georgia Moran  Captain Henry  Johnny Buoy    Salt Barge     Cape Straight  Winthrop       Peggy Diana    Laita          Elizabeth      caisson

Cape May Artificial Reef

Cape May reef also contains large numbers of tire units and Army tanks (not shown) concentrated in the center area that appears here to be empty. This reef also received 50 redbird subways cars, which are not plotted.

Cape May Artificial Reef

Sea Transporter reef
artificial reef, trawler, USA
( 135 x 36 ft )
Cape May County Party & Charter Boat Association, Atlantic Cape Fisheries, Artificial Reef Association
Friday August 21, 1992 - Cape May Artificial Reef
38°53.118' -74°40.190'
70 ft

Rothenbach I reef
artificial reef, barge, fuel oil, US Navy
1944, Brooklyn NY USA as YON-97
( 165 x 35 ft ) 1270 displacement tons (full)
Rothenbach & Cape May County Party & Charter Boat Association
Wednesday June 11, 1997 - Cape May Artificial Reef
38°53.368' -74°39.800'

M60 tanks reef
M60 tanks undergo a thorough cleaning before use as reefs

The Artificial Reef Program used four types of obsolete Army armored vehicles as artificial reef materials off the New Jersey coast. These were cleaned at local military bases, loaded onto barges for transport, and pushed off at their final destination. Once the Army had disposed of its excess inventory, the program ceased, around 1999. The Artificial Reef Program has sunk almost 400 tanks altogether, far too many to list them here in this website.

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