Sandy Hook Dive Sites Chart

NJ Chart            Manasquan Chart     Deep Sea Chart      LI West Chart       NJ Coast Chart      NJ Reefs            Sandy Hook Reef     NY Reefs            Rockaway Reef       Atlantic Beach Reef Jack-I              Daghestan           Tampa III           Immaculata          Glen II             Vega                Pocopson            New Deal            German              HW Long             Dryland             Sylvanus            Triangle Wrecks     Ruth Shaw           Rickseckers         Pentland Firth      Ramos               GL78                crane barge         Cecilia Dunlap      Nautilus            Pocono              Plymouth            RC Mohawk           Bald Eagle          Sandy Hook Pilot    Macedonia           Dual Wrecks         Pinta               drydock barge       Benson              locomotives         Ayuruoca            Gypsy               Larsen              Robert A Snow       Charles Dunlap      Pelief Lightship    Edmund Phinney      Cornelia Soule      Shrewsbury Rocks    Bronx Queen         Fort Victoria       Princess Anne       Valerie E           Asfalto             BA Wreck            Lizzie D            Black Warrior       Mistletoe           USS Turner          Iberia              Pipe Barge          Goulandris          Choapa              Mud Hole            Continent           Pliny               Allenhurst Jetty    Del Water Gap       Round Valley        Navesink River      Horseshoe Cove      Raritan Bay         Arnoff              Steel               Eureka              Three Sisters       Balaena             New Era             Shark River A Street Malta               Shark River L Street Shark River Inlet   Shark River         Arundo              SC-60               Shrewsbury Rocks    Chauncey Jerome     Long Branch Pier    Raritan Bay         Across              awois#u2            awois#u10           awois#u1            awois#u7            awois#u8            awois#u9            awois#u4            awois#u3            awois#u5            awois#u6            awois#u14           awois#u13           awois#u12           Aurora              Rascal              Dutch Springs

Sandy Hook Dive Sites

NOAA chart 12326
Chart 12326

Horseshoe Cove - Sandy Hook
Looking north, with New York City faintly visible in the distance. Horseshoe Cove is the second from the top, on the bay side.
bay-side saltwater cove
20 ft max

riveted iron hull
shipwreck, tugboat
Globe Shipbuilding, Buffalo NY USA
( 53 ft )
circa 1973
40°25.433' -73°52.204' (AWOIS 2008)
70 ft

shipwreck, barge
95 ft

This wreck seems to be one or more wooden barges, possibly garbage barges from the 1920s. There is an anchor in one spot near a machinery pile, and in other spots, the old walls rise perhaps 10 ft off the bottom. But otherwise, everything is pretty broken down. This forms many hiding holes for lobster and rock crabs, and there is one in almost every hole, and some quite large. The Sea Bass are also good-sized. Yellowish natural sponges and bottles are easy to find.

Bay Anchovy

Anchoa mitchilli

Size: to 4"

Habitat: coastal and estuarine waters

Notes: Another small herring-like fish that forms large schools. These, as well as those above, can form huge schools that swirl around the upper reaches of inshore reefs - a sight that easily rivals the tropics. I have seen them school together with the larger and more striking Silver Anchovy. Note the large underslung mouth, which makes identification from other baitfishes easy. Anchovies are physically fragile, yet tolerate an amazing range of environmental conditions. Fishermen call them "Rainfish".

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