Long Island West Dive Sites Chart

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

NY Reefs           Dive Sites         Deep Sea Chart     LI East Chart      LI Coast Chart     Sandy Hook Chart   Manasquan Chart    Long Island Sound  Fire Island Reef   Moriches Reef      Hempstead Reef     Shark River Reef   Matinecock Reef    Smithtown Reef     Atlantic Beach Reef Sandy Hook Reef    Rockaway Inlet    East Rockaway Inlt Jones Inlet       Fire Island Inlet Moriches Inlet    Pipe Barge        3/4 Tug           Margaret          Seawolf           Coastwise         Wolcott           Reggie            Happy Days        59-Pounder        Dodger            Edwin Duke        Acara             Lido              Steel Wreck       Three Sisters     Eureka            Dragger           Cornelia Soule    Charles Dunlap    Valerie E         Arnoff            Train Wheel       Harveys Schooner  Burnside          Irma C            Coimbra           Drumelzier        Howard            Roda              USS Tarantula     Gluckauf          Jones Tug         Myronus           Gwendolyn Steers  Celtic            Poling Brothers   Glen Island       Maine             Condor            Rickseckers       Black Warrior     Ajace             Robert A Snow     Bronx Queen       Gate City         Asfalto           Mount Sinai Harbor Shoreham          Bayville barge    Kenosha           RC Mohawk         Iberia            Bald Eagle        Hylton Castle     Mistletoe         Linda             Yankee (old)      Yankee (G&D)      USS Turner        Relief Lightship  USS San Diego     Oregon            Sandy Hook Pilot  Lizzie D          Macedonia         Stolt Dagali      Pinta             Lexington         HMS Hussar        BA Wreck          Continent         Immaculata        Texas Tower       New Deal          Ayuruoca          Mud Hole          Shrewsbury Rocks  Choapa            Drydock           Goulandris        Rascal            USS Algol

Long Island West Dive Sites

NOAA chart 12326
Chart 12326

shipwreck, tugboat, USA
grounded in storm while salvaging Roda - no casualties
25 ft

Shipwreck Macedonia
I found this old painting labeled "Macedonia" and "1894". This certainly could be the same ship. Another Macedonia enters the records in 1900, just a year after this one was lost.
shipwreck, steamer, Germany
( at time of loss chartered to Ward Lines, see Mohawk )
Macedonia is a region in the southern Balkans, adjoining Greece, and formerly part of Yugoslavia.
1894, England
( 280 x 41 ft ) 2268 gross tons, 19 passengers & crew
Tuesday June 13, 1899
collision with liner Hamilton ( 3127 tons) - 1 casualty
40°21.418' -73°56.153' (AWOIS 1991)
60 ft

Sub Chaser
WW I submarine chasers
shipwreck, submarine chaser, U.S. Navy
1917, New York NY USA
( 110 x 14 ft ) 85 tons
Tuesday October 1, 1918
collision with tanker Fred W. Waller - 2 casualties
45 ft

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