New Jersey Dive Sites (26/31)

Dive Sites - New Jersey

 1  25 26 27  31  

Shark River Aerial
Low tide, winter. Beach replenishment has all but filled in the "L".
smallish tidal river inlet with stone jetties or bulkheads on both sides
15 ft

This inlet has an L-shaped jetty on the north side and a longer straight jetty on the south side. Both jetties are made of loose stones - hardly any concrete - and the bottom is sandy and usually clean. You can walk over the bridge from one side of the inlet to the other in about five minutes.

Shark River Artificial Reef

15.6 Nautical Miles off Manasquan
Depth: 120-140 ft

120 ft

A small steel wreck, greatly decomposed.

Possibly the remains of the Oklahoma.

Shrewsbury / Elberon Rocks

The Shrewsbury Rocks are a wide area of rocky bottom that stretches from fourteen feet of water out to the fifty-foot mark off of Monmouth Beach. Some of the formations are twenty feet tall or more and can be very pretty under good conditions, which are unfortunately seldom this far north. The stone itself is a type of sandstone known as Greensand.

shipwreck, sailing ship
1000 tons, 20 crew
Saturday January 6, 1877
foundered in storm - no casualties

wooden, alternately buried and exposed

Shipwreck Sindia
shipwreck, sailing ship, USA
1887, Ireland
( 329 x 45 ft ) 3068 gross tons, 34 crew
Sunday December 15, 1901
ran aground in storm - no casualties
0-5 ft depending on the tide

rock pile
60 ft

field of huge granite slabs

120 ft

A large steel wreck, partially intact.

Possibly the remains of the Kennebec.

New Jersey Dive Sites

 1  25 26 27  31  

dive flag

All divers are required to show a flag when in the water. When boat diving, the boat will fly the flag for you, but when shore diving you must take care of this yourself. All dive shops sell flag/floats and lines. The simple fiberglass pole type is inexpensive and works fine; there is no need to buy anything extravagant - it will only get beat-up. If you plan to stay in one place, you can tether the flag to an extra weight on the bottom, or even just prop it up at the shore. If you plan to move around, then you should drag it behind you.

dive flag line

Use only polypropylene for a flag line, never nylon. Polypropylene floats, so when it goes slack it will float up away from you, instead of sinking down in coils around you, like nylon. The big yellow spools that dive shops sell work very well. Although they look clumsy, their size makes them easier to handle in the water. With experience, you will learn to gauge the amount of line necessary to keep the flag from being pulled under, without letting out a huge excess to get tangled up in. Add a brass snap to clip it off for hands-free use. Once you get used to it, dragging a flag is really no trouble at all.

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