USS Ohio

Shipwreck U.S.S. Ohio
shipwreck, 74 gun ship-of-the-line, U.S. Navy
that place next to Indiana
1820, Brooklyn NY USA
( 208 x 54 ft ) 2757 gross tons
April 1884
set adrift and grounded by storm while being dismantled, later deliberately burned
20 ft

The stripped hulk of the Ohio eventually burned and sank. Today nothing is left but scattered timbers and debris.

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An Aquarium For the Naturalist

By Ronald M. Clayton
Illustrations by author

Maintaining an aquarium filled with local fish and other aquatics can be an enjoyable, learning experience, and give you a good excuse to get out and stomp around in your local pond or stream. It's fun collecting new animals and plants to add to the aquarium, to replace ones that have died, or as food for your locally acquired fish, and learning about your wildlife is a fascinating part of the experience. In the shimmering shallows and mysterious depths of almost any nearby body of water thrives a whole world of living things, some very ugly and some very beautiful - the variety will amaze you. If you are interested in providing inexpensive recreation and education for yourself and perhaps your family, read on.

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