Deepwater Artificial Reef
Deepwater Artificial Reef
23.6 Nautical Miles off Ocean City
Depth: 90-125 ft
Deepwater reef is not particularly deep, with an average depth of about 120 ft. Shark River Reef is deeper. Deepwater is, however, the furthest-offshore reef - 23 miles out.

This reef also contains tire units and 50 subway cars, in five groups of ten cars each. A small controversy erupted when it turned out that several of the cars landed near an old shipwreck, the Admiral DuPont . The wreck in question was an uncharted "secret" known only to a few people, and in any case, no harm was done. The subway cars are not plotted because they are assumed to be gone after 20 years.
Building a reef 23 miles offshore serves no one. It is a 2-hour drive for a typical dive boat, less for a faster fishing boat, but still a tremendous fuel cost. From the total lack of fishing and diving reports, it is clear this reef site is little used, except perhaps by a select few with money to burn. I look at the vessels below, and all I can think is 'what a shame'. They should have been sunk where people will use them.
This site is not only impractical for fishing and diving - what construction company wants to waste fuel and time hauling material all the way out here? There is no new 'science' here either - reef ecology has been well-studied, and can continue to be studied at other more practical sites.
I applaud New Jersey's artificial reef program, just not this site. Artificial reef-building is a great business that serves everyone ( and the fish ) when it is done right. But siting a reef out where no one will use it is not right.