New Jersey Dive Sites (19/30)

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85 ft

Probably so-named because it is the next-closest thing to the Pinta at the same depth. So if that wreck turns out to be occupied by another boat, you get a "New Deal". Seldom visited, so should be good for fish and lobsters. A large and relatively intact barge filled with stones. Known by many other names, depending on who you ask.

Shipwreck New Era
This painting is very bad - the masts and sails are all backwards !
shipwreck, clipper, USA
1300 tons, ~500 passengers & crew
November 13, 1854; ran aground during storm - few survivors

Sandbar Shark
Sandbar Shark
New Jersey State Aquarium - Camden

Volunteer divers at the aquarium assist with food preparation, cleaning and maintaining work area and exhibits, perform dive demonstrations, and assist aquarists when necessary. Volunteer must be a certified diver age 18 years and older with at least 25 logged dives; 5 in the last 2 years and 2 in the last 12 months. Volunteer must be able to commit to 2 eight-hour work shifts per month ( same day every other week. ) Volunteer applications are available at the information desk.

Shipwreck Northeast Sailor
shipwreck, sailing ship
75 ft

The "Northeast Sailor" is the remains of a large sailing ship. The absence of towing bits is an indicator that this was probably not a schooner barge, while the presence of a boiler and steam machinery place the vessel in the mid to late nineteenth century.

shipwreck, barge
1267 tons
Sunday December 10, 1933
foundered in rough seas
70 ft

low lying wood & metal debris field

Shipwreck Northern Pacific
In wartime camouflage paint scheme, with guns at the bow and stern
( obviously retouched by censors. )
shipwreck, liner, USA
1915, Philadelphia PA USA
( 509 x 63 ft ) 8256 gross tons, 28 crew
Wednesday February 8, 1922
burned - 4 casualties
140 ft

shipwreck, iron-hulled screw steamer
1881, England
( 287 x 37 ft ) 1963 gross tons
Saturday September 23, 1882
ran aground - no casualties
Yellow Water Lily

Coast Guard records denote this wreck as "disproved" - no longer there. It was removed as a hazard to navigation. Nuphar is the genus name for Water Lilies.

shipwreck, barges
70 ft

7-9 unidentified wooden barges. Lots of wood decking and low-lying walls which go a long ways.

New Jersey Dive Sites

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I have found no correlation between good visibility and anything else at all. Calm seas certainly don't hurt, but the worst visibility I have ever been in was with a 1-foot surf on the beach. There is however a very good correlation between bad visibility and storms, which is why a single hurricane can end the season.

Other factors which influence visibility are: algae blooms, spawning seasons of some invertebrates, which can fill the water with tiny swimmers, jellyfish ( yes, so many you can't see through them, luckily they don't sting, ) other divers churning up the bottom, and just plain gunk in the water. I don't know how to predict most of these, except to say that if you dive a lot, sooner or later you will see some good visibility. Sometimes in the ocean, the visibility will be different in different depth layers. I have seen the viz go from 3 ft on the way down the anchor line to 20 ft on the wreck.

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