- Type:
- shipwreck, clam dredge, USA
- Specs:
- ( 68 ft ) 3 crew
- Sunk:
- January 17, 1999; ran up on jetty
no casualties - Depth:
- 15 ft
More: Ellie B ...
More: Ellie B ...
More: Emerald - USS Hibiscus / Frances Wright ...
More: Francis A Perkins ...
Another schooner barge or sailing ship. Close to shore and very near the Maurice Tracy. It is sometimes a second or third dive because of this. She's in 70 feet of water on a sandy seafloor. Lots of wood walls and some decking, it's been better for spearfishing lately rather than bugs, but that'll depend on when she was last dived. Named after the fishing boat that found the spot.
More: Gassoon ...
A typical smallish schooner barge wreck of unknown origin. Some anchor chain and decking spread out over a small area, with a few smaller pieces way off the main piece. Named after the fishing boat that found the spot.
More: Glory Wreck ...
More: Ioannis P. Goulandris ...
More: Gulf Trade ...