The pink and white areas are shipping lanes. 'Natural' shipwrecks are depicted with a wreck symbol.
More: Artificial Reefs ...
- Type:
- artificial reef, tanker, US Navy
- Built:
- 1945, RTC Shipbuilding, Camden NJ USA
- Specs:
- ( 174 x 33 ft ) 1390 tons
- Sunk:
- Monday June 25, 2007 - Delaware #11 Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°40.590' -74°43.957'
More: YOG-93 ...
- Type:
- artificial reef, barge, US Navy
- Built:
- 1942
- Specs:
- ( 174 x 40 ft ) 200 tons light
- Sunk:
- Tuesday June 18, 2002 - Delaware #10 Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°36.424' -74°56.498'
More: YON-80 ...
- Type:
- artificial reef, ferry, converted WWII Navy patrol boat, USA
- Built:
- Specs:
- ( 63 ft )
- Sunk:
- Friday May 10, 1985 - Fire Island Artificial Reef
- Depth:
- 75 ft
- GPS:
- 40°35.587' -73°11.221'
More: Zeeliner ...