

A compass is the most basic and inexpensive piece of navigational equipment and should be bought at the same time as the rest of your gauges.

In a beach or inlet dive your compass is your single most important tool - it tells you which direction is the shore. When wreck diving, a compass is useless if you don't look at it until you're lost. Take a bearing as soon as you hit the bottom, just in case. In a boat dive, directions such as "turn right from the anchor" can often steer you in the opposite direction, if the current reverses and pulls the boat around to the other side. Compass bearings are much more reliable.

Unfortunately, using a compass is not quite a no-brainer, and should be practiced until you are proficient.

Eastern Pickerel

Esox niger

to 39"

Eastern or 'Chain' pickerels are deep olive-green on the back, shading to a creamy yellow on the belly. Olive green blotches are present within distinct black chain-like or interwoven markings on the sides. There is a distinct dark, vertical bar below the eye. The cheek and gill covers are completely covered by scales. The underside of the lower jaw has 14-17 branchiostegal rays. There are no recognized subspecies. However, they hybridize readily with redfin pickerels. They are distantly related to trout and salmon.

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