barges - Shinnecock Artificial Reef

100 ft steel barge ( on a much bigger barge )
artificial reef, barges
79 - 84 ft
Name Description Sunk GPS
60 ft steel
1987 40°48.063'
Caddell 157 ft wood
September 12, 1990
Dump Scow
100 ft steel Wednesday
June 20, 2018
Shannon C 60 ft steel Friday
Nov 5, 2021
60 ft steel barge
Caddell drydock
Caddell drydock
Caddell drydock

New York has attached these pictures to the Fire Island Reef. I believe that is an error.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ny09_shinnecock_ss.jpg
Note the large rectangular structure at lower-left. This is the drydock, with a raised spine down the center which is visible in the pictures. The walls have fallen.
Shannon C

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Human Vision Underwater

When light travels from a less-dense medium like air to a more-dense medium like water, the rays are refracted or bent towards the normal or perpendicular of the surface between the two mediums. In crude terms, light going from air to water will tend to be straightened, while light going from water to air will tend to be ... um ... crookeded. Confused yet? Take a look at the figure below.

( Tautogolabrus adspesus )

In this figure, you can see the light rays traveling from an object in the water to your eyes, neglecting the effect of the flat glass lens of your mask. The blue lines trace the actual path of the light rays through the water and into the air, or conversely, through the air into the water - the direction really doesn't matter. As you can see, the rays are bent toward the perpendicular of the surface on the water side, and away from it on the air side.

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