Moriches Artificial Reef
Depth: 70 - 75 ft
2.4 nautical miles south of Moriches Inlet
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Moriches Artificial Reef
Depth: 70 - 75 ft
2.4 nautical miles south of Moriches Inlet
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Mud Hole
Deep and dark, the Mud Hole is the Hudson River's channel from a time when the oceans were much lower. Today it collects all the silt and sediment that the river carries out to the sea, making it a very fertile fishing ground, frequented by pelagic fishes and sharks. The contour shown on the chart is not any particular depth, but do give an idea of the location.
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Probably so-named because it is the next-closest thing to the Pinta at the same depth. So if that wreck turns out to be occupied by another boat, you get a "New Deal". Seldom visited, so should be good for fish and lobsters. A large and relatively intact barge filled with stones. Known by many other names, depending on who you ask.
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