A barge is a vessel that does not have its own means of propulsion ( usually. ) Barges are towed or pushed from place to place by tugboats, or anchored in place to serve as temporary work platforms, floating docks, or storage. Some barges are self-propelled, in a limited way. These are known as scows, and their limited propulsive power restricts them to protected waters without the assistance of a tugboat.
The Alex Gibson shipwreck is the remains of a wooden barge. The barge was built in 1877 was 180 ft long and displaced 2154 tons. She was sunk in the 1930s and now sits in 40 ft of water on a clean sand bottom.
Note: George Hoffman passed away January 14, 1997, about a year after this article was written. His death is a great loss to the diving community and he will be missed by us all.