Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.
And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.
A number of warships are sunk in New Jersey and New York waters:
- Type:
- shipwreck, armored cruiser, U.S. Navy
- Built:
- 1904, San Francisco USA, as U.S.S. California
- Specs:
- ( 503 x 70 ft ) 13680 displacement tons
- Sunk:
- Friday July 19, 1918
explosion, probably struck a mine laid by U-156
officially 6 casualties, probably 30-40 in reality - GPS:
- 40°32.433' -73°02.484' (AWOIS 2008)
- Depth:
- 110 ft, starts at 65 ft
More: USS San Diego ACR-6 ...
- Type:
- submarine chaser, later trawler, scallop boat, USA
- Built:
- 1943, Elizabeth City NC USA
- Specs:
- ( 112 x 18 ft ) 99 gross tons
- Sunk:
- ???
- Depth:
- 90 ft
More: Ida K SC-1282 ...
- Type:
- artificial reef, LCM-6 (Landing Craft-Mechanized, see "Captain Henry")
- Specs:
- ( 56 x 14 ft ) 64 tons
- Sponsor:
- Army Transportation Corps
- Sunk:
- Saturday November 14, 1987 - Cape May Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°50.830' -74°42.510'
More: Peggy Diana ...
- Type:
- shipwreck, frigate ( Mermaid-class, 6th-rate ), British Royal Navy
- Name:
- Hussars were light cavalry units of the period, known for their colorful and showy uniforms.
- Built:
- 1763, England
- Specs:
- ( 124 x 33 ft ) 627 gross tons
- Sunk:
- Thursday November 23, 1780
struck a rock - unknown casualties, including prisoners - Depth:
- probably buried in the landfill under the police station near 135th Street
More: HMS Hussar ...
- Type:
- collapsed radar platform, USAF
- Built:
- 1955, Portland ME USA
- Specs:
- ( 67 ft above water) 6000 tons, 14 crew (minimum)
- Sunk:
- Sunday January 15, 1961
storm/structural failure/design deficiency - no survivors - GPS:
- 39°47'56.43" -72°40'08.00" (US Navy 2004)
- Depth:
- 180 ft, starts at 110 ft
More: Texas Tower TT-4 ...
- Type:
- artificial reef, Spruance-class destroyer, US Navy
- Built:
- 1975, Pascagoula MS USA
- Specs:
- ( 563 x 55 ft ) 8,040 tons
- Sunk:
- Wednesday, Aug 10, 2011 - DelJerseyLand Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°30.850' -74°30.656' originally, now ???
- Depth:
- 130 ft
More: USS Arthur W Radford DD-968 ...