In flight over the Goodyear plant in Akron Ohio, where she was built.
- Type:
- shipwreck, dirigible ( rigid airship ) , U.S. Navy
- Built:
- 1931, Akron OH USA
- Specs:
- ( 785 ft ) 200 tons, 76 passengers & crew
- Sunk:
- Tuesday April 4, 1933
atmospheric storm - 3 survivors
- Depth:
- 105 ft
More: USS Akron ZRS-4 ...
- Type:
- shipwreck, private yacht, converted to U.S. Navy patrol boat
- Name:
- Catamount is another name for a mountain lion, felis concolor.
- Built:
- 1929, Stamford CT USA
- Specs:
- ( 85 x 15 ft ) 67 gross tons, 11 crew
- Sunk:
- Saturday March 27, 1943
engine explosion - 6 casualties
- Depth:
- 125 ft
More: USS Catamount CG-85006 ...
- Type:
- shipwreck, tugboat, US Navy
- Name:
- An Indian tribe of Pennsylvania and New York, later relocated to Oklahoma.
- Built:
- 1891, Camden NJ USA, as Edgar F. Luckenbach
- Specs:
- ( 120 x 25 ft ) 272 gross tons, 20 crew
- Sunk:
- Tuesday July 26, 1918
foundered in storm - 10 survivors
- Depth:
- 90 ft
More: USS Cherokee ID-458 ...
Lone Star
- Type:
- shipwreck, patrol boat, U.S. Navy (converted yacht)
- Built:
- 1929, Germany, as Lone Star
- Specs:
- ( 171 x 26 ft ) 469 gross tons, 47 crew
- Sunk:
- Friday October 15, 1943
collision with destroyer USS Greer ( 1090 tons) - no casualties
- Depth:
- 130 ft
More: USS Moonstone PYc-9 ...
- Type:
- shipwreck, destroyer, Benson class, U.S. Navy ( similar to USS Turner )
- Built:
- 1941, Staten Island NY USA
- Specs:
- ( 348 x 36 ft ) 1620 displacement tons, 266 crew
- Sunk:
- Thursday October 21, 1943
collision with tanker Bulkoil (8071 tons) - 38 casualties
- Depth:
- 260 ft
More: USS Murphy DD-603 ...
Model of the Salmon in the 1970s.
- Type:
- shipwreck, Sailfish class
submarine, U.S. Navy
- Built:
- 1956, Portsmouth NH, USA
- Specs:
- ( 350 x 25 ft ) 2530 tons, no crew
- Sunk:
- Saturday June 5, 1993
"artificial reef"
- GPS:
- 39°42.2' -72°18.2' (US Navy 2004)
- Depth:
- 360 ft
More: USS Salmon SSR-573 ...
- Type:
- shipwreck, Balao ( modified Gato ) class
submarine, U.S. Navy
- Built:
- 1944, Portsmouth, NH USA
- Specs:
- ( 312 x 27 ft ) 1810 tons, no crew
- Sunk:
- Tuesday August 4, 1964
weapons test (torpedoed)
- Depth:
- 280 ft
More: USS Spikefish SS-404 ...
- Type:
- shipwreck
- Depth:
- 210 ft
unidentified wooden wreck
More: West Wreck ...