
Dykes reef
artificial reef, schooner barge, USA
( The small smokestack in the pictures is for an electrical generator. )
1919, Baltimore MD USA
( 306 x 35 ft ) 2072 tons, 14 crew
Modern Transportation Co.
July 1983 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
40°06.964' -73°57.571'
65 ft
Schooners & Schooner Barges

The Dykes was originally built to carry bauxite ( aluminum ore ) from British Guyana ( in South America ) for ALCOA. That didn't work out well, and she was soon sold to a coal-hauling firm, as most schooner barges were used. In 1935, the Dykes was sold again and converted to an unrigged sludge barge for New York City. ( see Coney Island, R.C. Mohawk. ) She continued in this service until she was retired in 1959. The Dykes was finally sunk by the state of New Jersey as an artificial reef in 1983. This actually predates the present Artificial Reef Program. The wreck lies slightly outside the official boundaries of the Sea Girt Artificial Reef.

The steel-hulled Dykes was one of the last and biggest five-masted schooners built. The wreck itself consists of a large area of iron ribs and hull plates, many of them a bright orange rust color. The bow and stern are somewhat intact, and even the hinges where the rudder was once attached are recognizable. In between, the ship has deteriorated. As the hull decayed, the sides splayed out, forming a much wider debris field than the original structure. There is still good relief against the clean sandy bottom, most of the structure averaging 4-6 ft in height.

Dykes reef
The Dykes under sail
Dykes reef

The ribbing and hull plates form a maze of small compartments in some places, low overhanging ledges in others. The masts were cut down to stumps, some of which can still be found. Some of the peripheral wreckage lies at odd and unexpected angles to the main axis of the wreck. The best way to navigate is to follow the keel, which is identifiable by a small raised ridge along the top of it. This is like a highway from one end of the wreck to the other.

Many fish and a few small lobsters make their homes here, and it is even possible to get decent mussels from the higher spots. Later in the season, schools of Jacks and Scup swarm around the bow, while fluke and really big blackfish and Sea Bass can be found around the edges of the debris field and in the maze of small compartments in the center of the wreck.

Dykes reef
Dykes reef

The Dykes, minutes before sinking. Notice how her profile has been substantially altered from the photos above.

Lying as it does only 4 miles from the Manasquan River inlet, the Dykes makes a good second dive, with unusually good visibility and negligible current for such a close-in site. However, despite its closeness to shore, this is a very big wreck and it is easy to get lost ( especially in the dark, ) so a wreck reel is strongly advised.

Dykes reef
Ribs, anyone?
Dykes reef
Looking down on the stern.
Dykes reef
A fantastic shot of the stern of the wreck.
Dykes reef
Dykes reef
Looking down on the bow, with simply incredible viz.
Dykes reef
Looking up into what's left of the superstructure.
Dykes reef
Dykes reef
The skeleton of the bow
Herb Segars Photography

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Barnacles are the strangest of crustaceans. Imagine a tiny shrimp glued down by the top of its head, with its antennae waving in the current, and you begin to understand what a barnacle really is.

Northern Rock Barnacles ( Balanus balanoides, to 1" ) grow in the intertidal zone, subtidal in places, attached to any hard surface. They are in constant competition for living space with mussels. Mussels grow faster but are more susceptible to drying out. Therefore, mussels quickly take over the lower wetter areas, while barnacles rule in the higher dryer reaches.

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