
artificial reef, drydock gate
( 140' x 40' )
Thursday September 26, 2019 - Cape May Artificial Reef
75 ft
38°50.699' -74°43.023'

A caisson gate is a barrier used to dam off the open end of a drydock and is constructed of heavy gauge steel with several tons of ballast in the keel. Due to the nature of construction and heavy gauge of steel, this deployment will serve as habitat for up to 150 various types of marine species for the next 75 years or more. This project was dedicated in memory of Ed Kramer and sponsored jointly by the Cape May County Party and Charter Boat Association and

could be a ship

Once the structure is fully flooded, it will have no more reason to remain upright, and will likely fall over flat.

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Tube Worms

Tube worms live with their bodies buried in tubes that they construct in the soft bottom substrate. Fan Worms ( Sabella spp. and others, 1/8" to 8", right ) are among the most popular sights on tropical coral reefs. Few people realize that they are present in temperate waters as well.

Fan Worms, or "Featherdusters", have a frill of tentacles on the head with which they feed on plankton, and occasionally larger items. Food particles are trapped in sticky mucous and carried down into the mouth. Some Fan Worms have eyespots along the tentacles.

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