Gwendoline Steers

shipwreck, tugboat, USA
1888, camden NJ USA, as Douglas H. Thomas
( 97 x 21 ft ) 148 tons, 9 crew
Sunday December 30, 1962
cause unknown - no survivors
40 ft, starts at 20 ft

The Gwendoline Steers was used to haul gravel from a huge gravel pit in Northport to NYC. The loss of the Gwendoline Steers may have been due to icing in a blizzard, or age and poor maintenance. A week earlier she had been run aground. The wreck sits intact and upright, with usually poor visibility.

Shipwreck Gwendoline Steers

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Underwater photography can be as rewarding as it is challenging. Once the realm of professionals and determined enthusiasts willing to spend thousands of dollars on specialized and esoteric equipment, this hobby is now available to the rest of us thanks to modern developments in inexpensive but capable digital systems.

2016 Update

There is no hope of keeping up with camera technology. This page is more about basic principles than the actual equipment, which will all be obsolete in six months. Actually, strobe lights haven't changed that much.

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