
artificial reef, trawler, USA
1927, F.G. Post, Mystic, CT USA ???
( 50 ft )
Wednesday October 28, 1992 - Shinnecock Artificial Reef
40°47.965' -72°28.049'

I found this old photo of a Mayflower at Mystic Seaport. It could be the same boat, although there are detail differences. This and the history note above are pure conjecture.

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Sandbar (Brown) Shark

Carcharhinus plumbeus

to 6 ft

The Sandbar Shark is the commonest inshore shark in New Jersey waters.

Sandbar (Brown) Shark

Most people are familiar with Peter Benchley's thrilling novel Jaws or one of the movies it has inspired. The image of a giant shark terrorizing a small resort community is hard to forget. After all, the idea of predators ( in this case, people ) becoming prey realizes one of our most primal fears. It also makes for exciting reading or viewing.

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