Train Wheel Wreck

shipwreck, schooner
120 ft

The Train Wheel Wreck is another unidentified wooden schooner. She is located in 120 feet of water only a few miles from the G&D Wreck. According to Jimmy Fazzolare divers will find a pile of train wheels and wooden debris. The Train Wheels must have been cargo. In the center of the wreck is a depression where divers can usually find big lobsters.

-- Capt. Dan Berg

The American schooner W.B. Thompson is listed as sunk December 29, 1866 "off Sandy Hook", with a cargo of "car wheels". In 1866, this could only mean train wheels. The same? ( 40 miles off Sandy Hook )

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charter fishing boats
Every inlet and bay has a fleet of charter fishing boats

"Head boats" like the one shown are our major competition every morning - racing out to get to the best spots first. If you want to know why dive boats leave so god-awful early in the morning, this is one reason. Their behavior depends on the captain - many are friendly and accommodating, others are downright rude, and some won't even answer the radio. Dive boats sometimes recover lost anchors for the friendly boats, which can be quite a production, since some of them have very big anchors!

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