Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.
And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an assortment of large sharks that can be found in New Jersey waters, by no means all of them. These are more likely to be found offshore in oceanic waters. Sharks are seldom a danger to divers, they seem to be put off by the noise and bubbles. Nonetheless, all should be treated with caution.
Realistically, sharks in our waters are not a great concern. In over 350 northeast ocean dives, I have seen sharks on only several occasions ( not counting harmless little Dogfishes ) and only once while in the water. That one was in the Mud Hole, on the Arundo, to be precise. It was a Blue, or possibly a Mako, and wanted nothing to do with me, which was a relief since I had half an hour of deco left to do at the time! That would have left me very bent otherwise.
Note the difference between the toothless Basking Shark at left and the very not toothless Great White Shark at right.
If you think about it, humans must taste terrible to sharks, and scuba divers especially - with rubber suits and big metal tanks. Many shark attacks occur in murky water where the shark is not sure what it is attacking. Some attacks have been the result of the shark being stepped on in shallow water. Most shark attacks on humans are abortive, the shark taking only one exploratory bite, then realizing its mistake and breaking off the attack. Unfortunately, with a large shark, one bite and you're dead. Many predators, from bears to tigers, will prey on humans when sickness, injury, or old age make them unable to catch their normal prey. Sharks are probably no different.
These pages have many spectacular photographs of sharks. That is because people are fascinated by these sleek and deadly predators, and there are many many great pictures on the internet to choose from. But don't be alarmed - your likelihood of encountering a dangerous shark in New Jersey waters while diving is near nil. If you note the water clarity in most of these pictures, you will realize that they were not taken anywhere near here!
A fast-swimming oceanic shark, these are colored vivid blue in life, but quickly fade to gray in death. The Blue shark is described as a persistent and dangerous stalker and is often found in great numbers. This is the shark most likely seen in caged shark dives off Rhode Island and is probably the commonest shark in our offshore waters during the summer months. Other identifying features of the Blue shark are the extremely long pectoral fins and relatively slim body ( compared to those below ) with very unequal upper and lower tail lobes.
The Basking Shark is second in size only to the Whale Shark, and much more likely to be spotted in our cool northern waters. Like the Whale Shark, the Basking Shark is a harmless plankton feeder. While the Whale Shark has a brown and cream checkerboard pattern on its back, the Basking Shark is more uniformly gray, making identification easy. It also differs in profile: while the Whale Shark has a broad square snout, the Basking Shark has a pointed conical snout, much like its cousin the Great White, for which it may be mistaken.
Great Whites are not terribly fond of cold water and are more likely to be found further south, although they do appear regularly in Long Island Sound. They are typically pelagic but have been known to come close inshore and even into creeks and rivers on rare occasions.
A smaller cousin of the Great White, Mako sharks are renowned for their speed, and their powerful and aerobatic fight when hooked. They are also thought by some researchers to possess greater intelligence than other species. As a result of over-exploitation by long-liners and sport fishermen, the local population has collapsed, and large trophy-sized individuals have not been caught off New Jersey for many years, although small ones are still common.
Porbeagles are fast-swimming active sharks. They are warm-blooded like their bigger cousins Great Whites and Makos. This makes them more tolerant of cold water than many other types. They are sought by fishermen both for sport and for food. The white patch at the base of the dorsal fin is unique to this shark.
Habitat: open ocean, both coastal and over very deep water, also in the Mud Hole
Notes: not especially dangerous
This shark feeds mainly upon small fishes which it stuns with its long tail. It has relatively weak jaws and small teeth for its size and is generally not considered a threat to man unless provoked. Thresher Sharks are capable of great bursts of speed, and also commonly leap completely out of the water, for reasons unknown. The Thresher is a favorite of shark fishermen, and is very good eating if cleaned and prepared properly. It is also a common bycatch of long-line commercial fishing. The Bigeye Thresher shark is even more bizarre ( it's purple ! )