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Shipwreck Larchmont
shipwreck, steamer, USA
1885, Bath ME USA
( 252 x 37 ft ) 1605 tons, 351 passengers & crew
Monday February 11, 1907
collision with schooner Harry Knowlton - 334 casualties
140 ft

huge paddlewheels; wooden hull draped with fishing nets; hazardous currents & poor viz.

Shipwreck Larchmont
Shipwreck Larchmont

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Sargassum Fish

Histrio histrio

Size: to 6"

Habitat: wherever the current takes them

Notes: Sargassum fishes are found in drifting clumps of Sargassum weed. They are certainly one of the most bizarre fishes you may encounter. Their closest relatives are deep-sea anglerfishes and the local Goosefish. The paired fins are used exactly like arms and legs, and the Sargassum fish is a clumsy and reluctant swimmer. In fact, the pectoral (arm) fins can be folded over below the elbow, giving the fish an opposable grasp much like our own hands!

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