Glory Wreck

shipwreck, schooner barge
75 ft

A typical smallish schooner barge wreck of unknown origin. Some anchor chain and decking spread out over a small area, with a few smaller pieces way off the main piece. Named after the fishing boat that found the spot.

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shipwreck, freighter, England
Daghestan is a region in southern Russia, adjoining Chechnya and the Caspian Sea.
1900, England
( 353 x 45 ft ) 3466 gross tons, 28 crew
Friday December 18, 1908
collision with freighter Catalone - no casualties
70 ft

This wreck was named "Evergreen" for the large amount of green brass artifacts once recovered from it. The Daghestan was thoroughly demolished since it lay directly in the shipping lane and was a great danger to navigation.

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