Freshwater Plants

These are all true plants. In freshwater, much of the algal growth is in the form of slimes that grow on rocks, plants, and other surfaces, and of course microscopic phytoplankton. While freshwater algae is an important part of the ecosystem, it is not very remarkable to the typical scuba diver.

Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae
Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae ( plankton and attached )


Typha latifolia

Size: to 7 ft

Habitat: water's edge



Spirodela polyrhiza

Size: to 0.1"

Habitat: floating free at surface

Notes: Among the smallest seed plants; important food for many waterfowl.

Yellow Water Lily

Nuphar advena

Size: to 9" (leaves)

Habitat: rooted in muddy bottoms with leaves floating at the surface

Yellow is the most common color, but you may also find white and pink.


Ceratophyllum demersum

Size: to 10 ft

Habitat: beneath the surface in quiet waters

Notes: May form dense thickets

shipwreck, dredge
Saturday January 8, 1927

The Clermont was at one time the world's largest dredge. She was sunk in a storm while under tow on January 8, 1927. Today she sits upright on a sandy bottom, partially intact, rising 15' off the bottom. Some of the dredge pipes are visible in the sand off the starboard side of the wreck. Divers have recovered several interesting objects from the wreck such as deck prisms and bricks from the boiler stamped "Weideimer".

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