Delaware #10 Artificial Reef

Depth: 55-65 ft
old barge   95 barge    YC-125      YON-80      Mr G        Rusty Pusher

rock reef
A hopper barge full of rock

All manner of concrete, steel, and stone rubble from dredging, demolition projects, and other construction is used as artificial reef materials. This material is generally available at very low cost or free from construction companies who are more than happy to get rid of it. Transportation costs determine where this material is used by the Reef Program.

artificial reef, barge, US Navy
1941, Dravo Corp, Wilmington DE USA
( 110 x 35 ft ) 400 tons dead weight
Wednesday March 10, 2010 - Delaware #10 Artificial Reef
38°36.608' -74°56.494'

Ocean Wreck Divers III reef
artificial reef, barge, US Navy
( 174 x 40 ft ) 200 tons light
Tuesday June 18, 2002 - Delaware #10 Artificial Reef
38°36.424' -74°56.498'

Tube Worms

Tube worms live with their bodies buried in tubes that they construct in the soft bottom substrate. Fan Worms ( Sabella spp. and others, 1/8" to 8", right ) are among the most popular sights on tropical coral reefs. Few people realize that they are present in temperate waters as well.

Fan Worms, or "Featherdusters", have a frill of tentacles on the head with which they feed on plankton, and occasionally larger items. Food particles are trapped in sticky mucous and carried down into the mouth. Some Fan Worms have eyespots along the tentacles.

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