"This picture was taken several years ago by my wife, Debbie. We were searching for the Adriatic's lost clam dredge that day. Later, after the sinking, my group of divers was the first to dive on and identify her. I used this picture at the dive site to set the dive plan and objectives."
This wreck got its name from the first few divers to get there, who struck it rich in lobsters in its wooden ribs and decking. The wreckage is very well spread out in several lines or walls, with decking off to one side. Near the bow, an overturned piece of decking is home to ling and blackfish. Off to the side lie the winch and small bits of machinery.
An assortment of reptiles and amphibians that might be observed in and around the water. There are many other types as well. Except for a single species of frog, amphibians are absent from the marine environment.