Coleman I

- Type:
- artificial reef, barge
- Specs:
- ( 45 x 20 ft )
- Sponsor:
- Coleman Construction Company
- Sunk:
- Tuesday June 27, 1989 - Sandy Hook Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 40°21.060' -73°56.125'
- Depth:
- 50 ft
The Coleman is a rather small rectangular steel barge. The decking plates were removed prior to sinking, leaving a skeleton framework that is very interesting to explore. A large pile of concrete rubble lies next to and partially on the barge, to the northwest. It is perhaps 150 ft across and rises up 10 ft off the bottom. This rubble has some very colorful encrustations, as well as many small fishes, and is shallow enough to be cheerfully lit by the sun, unusual in this vicinity.
As usual in this reef, I saw practically no lobsters, even in the likeliest holes. The old-timers tell me they're there, but you can't prove it by me. The barge, however, was inhabited by a great many big fat Blackfish. The bottom is clean sand.

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