River Snail

River Snail

Goniobasis virginica

Size: to 1"

Habitat: flowing water

Notes: This is one example of the many small snails you may find during a freshwater dive. They are very common in Round Valley Reservoir, which is filled from the Raritan River.


These creatures are all of the order Gastropoda - having a single, often coiled, shell, as opposed to the bivalves, which have two matching shells. Most snails are hermaphroditic. Also, most snails have a right-hand twist to the shell, although there are exceptions.

X-ray image of a Channeled Whelk, showing internal structure.

Nudibranchs are a form of snail that has lost its shell, while Corollas and Sea Butterflies are snails that have abandoned not just their shells, but the snail-like existence entirely, swimming up into the water column as plankton.

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