Delilah DPC-65

- Type:
- artificial reef, tugboat
- Specs:
- ( 86 ft )
- Built:
- 1943, Decatur AL as DPC-65
- Sunk:
- Friday Jan 15, 1999 - Delaware #11 Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°40.540' -74°43.957'
- Depth:
- 75 ft
I can find only one listing for a tugboat "Delilah" on the entire internets. However, it is a very likely match:
Built as DPC-65 (0244342) by Decatur Iron & Steel Co, Decatur AL in 1943, then to the US Army as TD-42. Served briefly around 1973 with the Coast Guard as CG-85010 Research, then transferred to the State of Alabama Civil Defense as ASD-85 ( "Alabama State Docks". ) Sold in 1983 as Delilah.
The DPC ( "Defense Plant Corporation" ) tugboat was a huge class of harbor tugs built for the Army during World War Two. Thanks to the wonders of American standardized production, I present Delilah's eldest twin sister, DPC-1:

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