
sailing ship
Balaena is an old term for whale, derived from Latin. The name was found inscribed on the ship's bell.
170 ft
Shipwreck Balaena

shipwreck, wooden hull full of coal

A wood sailing ship in the Mud Hole at a depth of 170 feet. She was a collier or ore carrier. She is still largely intact, coal in what's left of her holds. Divers tell tales of finding lots of deadeyes, but I haven't seen or heard of one coming from this wreck in many years. Her bell was found to identify her name, but not much else has been discovered about her history. A dive for the very experienced diver. Limited visibility, deep and dark. For those with the technical dive skill, it is a very nice dive.

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Shipwreck Republic
liner, White Star Line
One of the "-ic" series of White Star liners, which included such other ships as the Georgic, Olympic, and Titanic.
1903, Ireland
( 570 x 68 ft ) 15378 gross tons
Sunday January 25, 1909
after collision with steamer Florida - 2 casualties
240 ft

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