Black Warrior

Shipwreck Black Warrior
shipwreck, steamer, USA
1852, New York NY USA
( 225 x 37 ft ) 1556 gross tons
Sunday February 20, 1859
ran aground in fog - no casualties
40°25.641' -73°51.135' (AWOIS 2003)
35 ft
Shipwreck Black Warrior

The Black Warrior is one of the most dived-upon wrecks in New York waters. She sits in 35 to 40 ft of water. Her large wooden paddlewheels are still visible, and timbers extend out along the wreck site. In between these is a good place to sift for artifacts. She occasionally gives up the treasured silverware or an old bottle. brass spikes are still seen poking up from many timbers. Her topography changes with each passing storm, and the best time to find something is after a storm. The silty bottom, if disturbed, reduces visibility to zero.

Shipwreck Black Warrior New York Times

Black Warrior


The Black Warrior was built in 1852 in New York at a cost of $135,000 and owned by the New York and New Orleans Steamship Co. The wood ship was 225 feet in length and weighed 1,556 gross tons. Aside from being fully rigged with sails, the 37-foot beam was flanked by two steam-driven side wheels.

The Black Warrior carried mail, passengers, and cargo through her voyages, most of which were between New York, New Orleans, and Havana, Cuba. Her most notable voyage was on February 28, 1854, when she was seized by the newly appointed governor of Cuba. The governor stated that the Alabama cotton on board the ship should have been listed for the Havana customs people. Captain Bullock of the Black Warrior tried to explain that since the cotton wasn't being unloaded in Havana, he was within regulations. Despite his arguments, the Captain and his crew were forced to leave the ship while Cuban officials confiscated the cargo. After transferring the Warrior's crew to the American steamer, Fulton, which was then loading in Havana, the Cuban officials imposed a $6,000 fine and detained the Warrior.

Pro-slavery forces in this country used the Warrior incident as a reason to demand war with Spain. Their hope was to add Cuba as another slave territory. Fortunately, Spain surrendered her position and not only repaid the original fine of $6,000 but an additional compensation of $53,000 for the detention of the Warrior.

During another journey in 1857, the Black Warrior was caught in a furious gale. All of her coal was consumed trying to keep the ship running, while her wheelhouse and lifeboats were knocked away by the sea. According to the NEW YORK TIMES, " Captain Smith manifested the qualities of the cool and skillful." He ordered that all light woodwork, furniture, and any remaining spars be used as fuel to power her steam engine. His seamanship brought all passengers and crew to safety.

Shipwreck Black Warrior

On February 20, 1859, about 9:00 AM, while trying to enter New York harbor in a heavy fog, the captain of the Black Warrior ran his ship aground on Rockaway Bar. All passengers, crew, and cargo were brought safely to New York by the assisting vessels, Screamer, Achilles, and Edwin Blount. At first, she was resting easy and no trouble was anticipated in towing her off. Unfortunately, the Black Warrior struck at high tide, and although during the next few days every effort was made to save her, she settled deeper and deeper into the sand. Finally, on February 24, during high tide, she was moved about one hundred feet before grounding again. That same day a gale blew up and the once-proud Black Warrior was pounded to pieces.

Shipwreck Black Warrior artifacts

The Warrior now rests in 30 to 35 five feet of water. She is all broken up and spread out over a large area. Although most of her brass artifacts have been recovered, lucky divers may still find anything from brass spikes, silverware, and portholes. Take note that the eating utensils found here have the vessel's name engraved on their handles. In the past eight years, we have made many dives on this wreck, and although the site is home to some huge Blackfish which would be great for spearfishing, we have always been content to find a spot in the sand and dig for artifacts.

Excerpted from Wreck Valley CDROM by Dan Berg

Shipwreck Black Warrior

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Mako Shark

Isurus oxyrinchus

to 12 ft

open ocean, coastal

Notes: dangerous

A smaller cousin of the Great White, Mako sharks are renowned for their speed, and their powerful and aerobatic fight when hooked. They are also thought by some researchers to possess greater intelligence than other species. As a result of over-exploitation by long-liners and sport fishermen, the local population has collapsed, and large trophy-sized individuals have not been caught off New Jersey for many years, although small ones are still common.

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