Eastern Crayfish


Cambarus bartoni

Size: to 3"

Habitat: small streams, sometimes ponds and lakes

Notes: Active at night, hides in burrows or under objects during the day.

Compare freshwater crayfish with marine lobsters.

Crayfish are quite common at Dutch Springs. See lobster for anatomical details.

Blue coloration is the crayfish equivalent of albinism, and also occurs in lobsters. Individuals like this have little chance of surviving in the wild.

American Shad

American Shad
( right )
Alosa sapidissima

Size: to 30" and over 9 pounds

Habitat: coastal and estuarine waters


Founding Fish

Oceanic adult herrings spend their days deep and come up to the shallows at night to feed, so you are not very likely to see them. Small ones may be more commonly found in inshore waters. Sometimes the marinas and inlets are full of tiny immature herrings known as "Peanuts." Saltwater herrings ascend rivers to spawn. All herrings are primarily filter-feeders, although larger ones may also be predatory on small fishes, squids, and other prey.

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