Southern Leopard Frog

Leopard Frog

Rana utricularia

Size: to 3.5"

Habitat: in and around water

Notes: Sometimes wanders well away from water.


Tadpoles are larval frogs. They prefer quiet vegetated waters, where they feed on algae, although under adverse conditions they may even become cannibals. Tadpoles are clumsy swimmers and are usually found in waters devoid of predatory fish, such as temporary pools. Eventually, they grow legs, lose the tail, and climb out of the water as frogs ( or toads. ) Anyone who hasn't raised a tadpole in a jar has missed a part of their childhood.

Leopard Frog

Eat or Be Eaten:
Survival of the Fittest on an Artificial Reef

Frilled Anemone
A Frilled Anemone ( Metridium senile ) our largest and most common anemone

The classical, textbook version of a typical marine food chain is a link-by-link progression from plankton to sardine to mackerel to tuna. If only adult life stages are considered, then this straightforward illustration has merit. In actuality, however, predator-prey relationships in the ocean are very diverse and very complicated.

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