
Shipwreck Rump
A spike protrudes from wooden decking
shipwreck, schooner barge
approximately 150 ft
80 ft

The "Rump" is a typical schooner barge wreck - 3 parallel wooden walls in the sand. At the east end is an assortment of machinery and chain where the three walls converge at what must have been the bow. Deep holes in the outer walls hide some very safe little lobsters.

Nearby is a pile of rocks known as the "Hemorrhoids".

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The number of lobsters to be boiled determines the minimum kettle size. The water should fill the pot one-half to not more than two-thirds full. Bring water to a rolling boil over high heat. Place lobsters headfirst into the pot, completely submerging them.

Cover the pot tightly and return to a boil as quickly as possible. When water boils, begin counting the time. Regulate the heat to prevent water from boiling over, but be sure to keep the liquid boiling throughout the cooking time.

Boil a lobster for 10 minutes per pound, for the first pound. Add 3 minutes per pound for each additional pound thereafter. For example, a 2-pound lobster should boil for 13 minutes and a 1 1/2 pound lobster should boil for 11 1/2 minutes.

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