Clearnose Skate

Clearnose Skate

Raja eglanteria

Size: to 31" long

Habitat: Soft sandy bottoms, in depths from shallows to 300 ft.

The Clearnose Skate has a noticeably pointy nose compared to the Little Skate, with a semi-transparent patch on either side of the snout.

Clearnose Skate

Note the more pointed snout than the Little Skate.

Herb Segars Photography

Manasquan Inlet
Low tide, winter.
Point Pleasant on the left /south
Manasquan on the right / north
tidal river inlet with stone jetties or bulkheads on both sides
30 ft

This inlet has a long slightly L-shaped jetty on the north side and a longer straight jetty on the south side. Both jetties are made of large stones and concrete, and the ends are built out of man-made concrete "jacks", shaped like an H with a 90-degree twist in the middle.

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