Smithtown Artificial Reef

tender-8  tender-7  240-barge 190-barge 80-barge  350-barge 270-barge barge 226

Depth: 38 - 40 ft

the big one goes down
artificial reef, barges
38 - 40 ft
Name Description Sunk GPS
190’ wood 1979 40°55.977'
350’ steel 1981 40°55.943'
270’ wood 1982 40°55.876'
340’ steel 1984 40°55.991'
80’ wood 1984 40°55.972'
80’ steel (226) 2021 40°55.970'

shipwreck, dry-dock barge
110 ft

This anonymous big rectangular wooden dry-dock barge lies off Asbury Park, out near the edge of the Mud Hole. It is similar to the better-known Immaculata. The hulk of the wreck rises up as much as 10 feet, partially intact, while the upper sides have collapsed into the silty sand. Holes in the main wreckage allow penetration into the dark interior, which is surprisingly barren. A debris field of large rectangular ballast stones, wooden ribs, and rusted machinery extend from the western edge of the wreck, and to a lesser extent all around it. In exceptional late October fifty-foot visibility the view of this wreck from above was impressive, but overall this is not a very pretty site, and it is seldom dived. Good for lobsters, Sea Bass, scallops, and decompression.

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