Delaware Artificial Reef Sites (1/3)

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M60 tanks reef
M60 tanks undergo a thorough cleaning before use as reefs

The Artificial Reef Program used four types of obsolete Army armored vehicles as artificial reef materials off the New Jersey coast. These were cleaned at local military bases, loaded onto barges for transport, and pushed off at their final destination. Once the Army had disposed of its excess inventory, the program ceased, around 1999. The Artificial Reef Program has sunk almost 400 tanks altogether, far too many to list them here in this website.

Brightliners Subway Cars reef
~100 "Brightliner" subway cars - NYC Subway system
1963-1964 - Budd Company - Model R32 # 3350-3949
1966-1967 - St. Louis Car - Model R38 # 3950-4149
1967-1969 - St. Louis Car - Model R40 # 4150-4349
1969-1970 - St. Louis Car - Model R42 # 4550-4949
( 60 x 10 ft ) 10 tons ( all, typical, body only )
44 cars were sunk on Atlantic City Reef on April 3, 2008
more in Cape May reef and Delaware reefs
New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority ( MTA )
too many to list, and all gone anyway
Depths vary by location

Matt Turecamo reef
I can find no pictures of Delilah, but here is a great-looking twin sister, DPC-14 Matt Turecamo, with fake wood-grain paint
artificial reef, tugboat
( 86 ft )
1943, Decatur AL as DPC-65
Friday Jan 15, 1999 - Delaware #11 Artificial Reef
38°40.540' -74°43.957'
75 ft

Delaware Artificial Reef Sites

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schooner barge
A beached schooner barge. Compare the hull form with a square barge.

The schooner barge was the final development of the working sailing ship. The design originally evolved in the 1870s on the Great Lakes, where it was found that sailing ships could be more profitably towed from place to place than sailed. No longer subject to the vagaries of the wind, such trips could be made on a scheduled basis, and with reduced labor costs. The idea spread into general use, resulting in the conversion of many sailing ships into barges. Ironically, most of the vessels that were converted to schooner barges were not actually schooners, but square-rigged ships. Square-riggers, with their large and expensive crews of skilled sailors, became uneconomical to operate in the face of ever-improving steam power, while more efficient schooners managed to compete for a few years longer.

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