Tanks / Clifford Lipke Reef

- Type:
- various types of Army tanks and other vehicles, 15 in all
- Sponsor:
- Friends of Clifford Lipke, NJ National Guard
- Dedication:
- Clifford Lipke
- Sunk:
- 1998 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 40°07.608' -73°56.650'
While former Army vehicles are scattered all over the artificial reefs, at this particular spot there are enough to make them worth a dive in themselves - 15 in all. This underwater battlefield is composed mainly of M-113 APCs, with a few other types thrown in. The large tailgate door at the back of each APC is removed, making it a sort of miniature cave. On a clear day, you could probably get some interesting pictures.

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