Ocean Wreck Divers IV "The Bow"

Ocean Wreck Divers IV reef
Please support the Artificial Reef Program so that they can sink the rest of this ship !
artificial reef, tanker ( front half only )
( 85 x 30 ft )
Ocean Wreck Divers
Friday August 7, 1998 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
40°07.750' -73°56.345'
70 ft

Think of it as a miniature inshore Algol, or half-Algol. The vessel was scrapped halfway through construction and donated to the Artificial Reef Program. In this state, it would require very little clean-up, with no engine room or other contaminated areas. The triangular space inside the bow is easily penetrated, the cargo tanks are less so. A field of concrete rubble extends around the site, an ideal home for fish and lobsters.

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Mattituck Artificial Reef

Depth: 72 to 100 feet
2.37 nautical miles northwest of Mattituck Inlet

Printed from njscuba.net