
- Type:
- artificial reef, trawler, clam dredge, USA
- Built:
- 1948, Bath Iron Works, Maine, USA
- Specs:
- ( 117 x 24 ft ) 195 gross tons
- Sponsor:
- Eirek's Dock, Fisherman Magazine
- Sunk:
- Thursday October 16, 1986 - Cape May Artificial Reef
- GPS:
- 38°51.860' -74°42.965'
- Depth:
- 65 ft
engine & pilot house removed, clam dredges added

Laita was one of twenty sisters built at Bath Iron Works. They were given to the French government under the Marshall Plan, to make up for losses to the fishing fleet in World War II. Laita is sister to Winthrop, cousin to Bad Bob's Big Boat.

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