Delaware #10 Artificial Reef

Delaware #10 Artificial Reef

Depth: 55-65 ft

Delaware #10 Artificial Reef

The published records for this reef are confused. I've done my best to sort it out.

rock reef
A hopper barge full of rock

All manner of concrete, steel, and stone rubble from dredging, demolition projects, and other construction is used as artificial reef materials. This material is generally available at very low cost or free from construction companies who are more than happy to get rid of it. Transportation costs determine where this material is used by the Reef Program.

artificial reef, barge, US Navy
1941, Dravo Corp, Wilmington DE USA
( 110 x 35 ft ) 400 tons dead weight
Wednesday March 10, 2010 - Delaware #10 Artificial Reef
38°36.608' -74°56.494'

"Higher animals" is a catch-all term for vertebrates other than fish. This is rather self-congratulatory, since the so-called "lower animals" - fishes and invertebrates - are actually the dominant species on the planet, both in numbers and diversity! The four classes of higher animals are:

  • Amphibians - class Amphibia
  • Reptiles - class Reptilia
  • Birds - class Aves
  • Mammals - class Mammalia

Of these, amphibians are absent from marine environments ( with one or two exceptions. )

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